Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Workshop Participants

'Feldenkrais & The Voice' Workshop Reminder
with Ingrid Weisfelt & Lisa Roberts Scott

Saturday 15th August @ The Independent Theatre
Workshop Starts at 10am - 5pm
Please bring a yoga mat and/or rug
Wear comfortable loose clothing.(Not jeans or skirts)

Please remember to bring the sheet music for a piece you would like to work on.
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided and there will be a 1 hour lunch break.

The Independent Theatre is opposite Stanton Library.
269 Miller Street, North Sydney
The closest train station is North Sydney station.
See you all there

Lisa Scott

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sing thru the flu season!

A number of my students have been coming down with the colds and persistent sore throats this year. I have to boast getting through this years coldest months without even a tinge of a sore throat. And lets face it, being a singer with a sore throat can be downright depressing.

What can you do to ward off colds and sore throats? Well it may sound like obvious advice but one of the best things to do is to simply take a good quality vitamin C powder on a daily basis. Some of the good ones contain other things like zinc and calcium and give your immune system a real boost. You will find a better range at a health food store than a pharmacy.
Keep your stomach healthy too by taking acidophilus regularly.

Although it is cold outside and one would prefer to stay rugged up indoors it is important for singers to keep their lungs working by going for a brisk walk or jog in the fresh air or doing some yoga.

Being around other singers who are not well can be a problem. A violinist friend of mine who is now in his 100th year told me that he managed to stay healthy even when the entire Chicago Symphony Orchestra had the flu by gargling whisky or a strong spirit and rubbing it around his nose before and after rehearsals!

If you do find yourself with a sore throat coming on, get yourself some good lozenges with propolis and manuka honey. You can break them up into small pieces and keep sucking on them regularly throughout the day to keep your mouth disinfected.

It is best not to sing on a sore throat. Just give yourself a few days off regular practice. You can sing with a snuffy nose and some singers often think they sound better than usual but this is just due to the increased resonance they are hearing within their own head and doesn't usually sound as great to the listener!

I hope you find this useful.
Lessons conducted by Lisa Roberts Scott are held in the auditorium at The Independent Theatre in North Sydney in order to take advantage of its state of the art acoustics.