Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ken & 'Feldenkrais & The Voice' Workshop

EurekAaaaah- there it is!

I had arrived at the Lisa's Feldenkrais singing workshop with various trepidations, but mostly at the prospect of having to sing a solo in the afternoon.
I had been working with Lisa for about 4 months and had made some good progress, she's a great teacher, but I knew I really had to face the gremlins head on, stand up and sing without accompaniment to an audience...
And not to your average audience - a mix of gifted opera singers!

There were about 10 of us in the morning session - all female. Every cloud...
After the mind/body harmonizing exercises we moved into the afternoon session and hooray! another guy! Jamie Scott.

We moved to the solos - I was in the presence of some serious talent.
Jamie's Aria was incredibly moving - sensual and penetrating, and as a fellow (wanna-be) tenor, I really started to hear in which direction I wanted my voice to be heading.
It was just now a case of finding it...
I was last to creep up to the front and sang a Paul Young tune pretty badly in two different keys - I knew there was no conviction or belief in the delivery and too much self consciousness.
Still I was happy I had faced my biggest fear. But where was that release?

The final exercise of the day was another of Lisa's ingenious drills. All 11 of us walking round randomly on stage and when our names were called, we had to improvise a greeting/discussion to the person nearest in full voice.
After about 5 minutes of this almost pagan ritual, Jamie's name was called, and me being nearest, was privy to to a bigger than life tenor Vox ringing straight at me asking me how I was going....
I replied... spontaneously... from the balls of the feet and from the bottom of the stomach - there it was - my real voice. All the trebly crap had gone, and the bellows were on fire.
Still a long road ahead but after 10 years of searching, I can finally say I sing with my own voice.


Friday, September 25, 2009

'FeldenKrais and The Voice'

Vocal Workshop for singers

An exciting and unique workshop to increase vocal freedom
incorporating the Feldenkrais method and movement.

Conducted by
Lisa Scott - voice teacher & Ingrid Weisfelt - Feldenkrais practioner

This workshop will explore the vital connection of our voice with our physicality
to increase freedom and potency of vocal expression.

Saturday 21st November
10am - 5pm
The Independent Theatre, 269 Miller Street, North Sydney

Morning and afternoon tea provided
1 hour lunch break

Workshop $90
Bookings essential -
0405 550 015

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thought for the day

"The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decisions, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."


Friday, September 18, 2009

McDonald's Operatic Aria, Sydney Eisteddfod

McDonald's Operatic Aria, Sydney Eisteddfod

Our very own Naomi Johns will be singing in the finals of the McDonalds Operatic Aria Competition this Sunday to be held at The Sydney Opera. She has worked her butt off this year and is singing fabulously!

Why not come along and support her?

Sunday 20 September 2009. 06:30 PM

For tickets go to

'Be there when six of Australia’s finest young vocal superstars vie for more than $57,000 worth of prizes in a musical battle featuring some of the world’s greatest composers and operatic masterpieces.

This dazzling evening of technical skill and musical mastery promises to be a highlight of the 2009 Sydney performance calendar.'

It would be great to see you there.
Lisa Scott