Thursday, December 23, 2010

Born on stage?

continued from last week made us wonder. Does good pitch and singing get harder as we get older?

It would seem that as children we have not yet learned to judge ourselves with a harsh critical eye. We are free to express ourselves because we are not afraid to make mistakes. When we are young we know that we have many more opportunities ahead of us in life so perhaps it takes the pressure off this one? We perform without inhibition because we are happy to express ourselves as we are now, before we begin learning that the world makes comparisons... or more importantly we do. And it would seem that when we let go.... trust our ear, trust ourselves or perhaps more accurately, not try too hard (as we adults tend to)....our pitch is almost always spot on!

As we get older we must remind ourselves that what we have to offer is still unique. It might be fear that tells us we should just keep a lid on what we hope is within us or life experience that has taught us that it is more productive to stay on the well-paved road. Then there is also the point that people are a whole pile more forgiving of the mistakes children make and by the time we are adults we really should know better?

But let's put all this aside because perhaps when it comes to singing it would seem that it might just pay to tap into your inner child, go with your spontaneity and trust your instinct because holding back is just so easy for a whole pile of boring adult reasons.

And the moral of the story is...perhaps if you go with your inner child it could actually help you sing more in tune. It might even help you perform like you were born on stage!

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